The Spark needs your Support!

In the summer of 2015 the idea of a Makerspace on Hornby was born. In case you missed it a Makerspace (also called a Hackerspace) is a term for a space where people come together to share knowledge and tools, work on projects together, learn new skills, a community shared resource or workspace. For the last 2.5 years many volunteers have come together to try and make a space like this a reality for Hornby Islanders. Where? At the Old Firehall! A group of passionate individuals created The Hornby Spark Society at the end of 2016 and have been hosting workshops, writing articles, fundraising and working with the CVRD to make this transition possible.

We have been lucky enough to receive $6000 in grant funding from HICEEC and $2000 from the Community Fund. We have ploughed through bureaucracy and politics and managed to get a government official to think outside the box and come up with a plan for the CVRD to transfer the building to the Hornby Spark Society. The CVRD hired the services of MHA Architects to draft a report on what renovations and upgrades are required to bring the building up to health and safety standards for the proposed usage. And the results look good! We can’t officially share the details of the report until it has been approved by the CVRD Board, but there were optimistic remarks like “healthy building” and comments about much of the work able to be done by volunteers and with salvaged materials. While we know that Hornby Islanders have a can-do attitude, we recognize that some fundraising for materials and labour will be required. That’s where you come in, our fellow colleagues and community members. We are seeking donations to make this dream a reality for all residents of this Island. No donation is too big or too small. We are selling $20 annual memberships which gives you access to one free workshop per year. We are also looking for some founding sponsors, who might like to have their name laser engraved into a plaque on the wall, or a custom made brick in their honour.

The Fire Department has officially moved into their new Hall, and the old Firehall is mostly vacant. It is a few short steps away from being a reality for us, and this is so exciting. If you are as excited about this project as we are, or if you just like our enthusiasm, please consider making a donation, there are several ways you can do so:

• leave us a Cheque in our new Box at the Free Post “Hornby Spark”

• Send an email transfer to

• Make a deposit directly into our account at the Union Bay Credit Union Account

• Coming soon: A donation button on our website

Thank you in advance for your generosity!


2018 Workshops and Repair Cafes


Fall News