Membership at The Spark

Apply for Membership at The Hornby Spark

The Hornby Spark Society is devoted to fostering a creative and inclusive environment that nurtures innovation, collaboration, and personal growth. Our mission is to empower individuals to embrace their innate maker identities, promoting sustainable practices, and inspiring positive change within the community. As a vibrant collective, we aim to redefine the traditional constructs of learning and knowledge dissemination, encouraging our members to explore, experiment, and evolve.

Join our vibrant community by becoming a member for $50 per month or enjoy an annual commitment at $500 per year, payable upfront.

Membership grants you 24/7 access to our creative space via a key fob, fostering an environment that encourages continual exploration and innovation.

To embark on your journey with the Hornby Spark Society, kindly complete the membership application form provided below. The Board of Directors thoughtfully reviews applications during their monthly gatherings to ensure the harmonious integration of new members into our diverse collective.

Apply Here

Member Guidelines & Responsibilities at The Hornby Spark Society

At the Hornby Spark Society, we foster a collaborative and inclusive environment where creativity thrives. As a member, we encourage you to embrace the following guiding principles:

  • Be excellent to each other.

  • View failure as a means to success.

  • Treat lack of knowledge as an opportunity, not an obstacle.

  • Remember that your experience here is what you make it.

  • Engage in creative activity while refraining from any illegal activities.

  • Maintain a clean and organized space for everyone to enjoy.

As a valued member, you are entitled to:

  1. 24/7 access to the Hornby Spark workshop.

  2. The ability to bring one guest into the space at any time.

  3. The right to nominate and vote at the annual meeting.

We also kindly ask our members to adhere to these responsibilities:

  1. Only members are allowed to access power tools.

  2. Some tools require specialized training; only trained members may use these tools.

  3. Personal items must be taken home at the end of the day.

  4. Hornby Spark property must not be removed without written permission from the Board.

  5. No animals (except service animals) are allowed in the shop areas.

  6. Children must be supervised at all times in the shop areas.

Please note that lost and found items, animals, and children will be held for seven days before being used for parts. Members who profit from their creations are encouraged to reimburse the Spark for equipment usage costs.

Membership fees are $180/quarter (3 months) or $600/year if paid in advance and are non-refundable. Fees are due upon approval of membership. Memberships will be terminated if fees remain unpaid beyond 30 days.

Liability Waiver

I hereby acknowledge that I fully understand that woodworking, welding, and related activities are inherently dangerous and may require strenuous physical exertion. The areas where woodworking, welding, and related activities are conducted contain many known and unknown hazards. I acknowledge and understand that my participation in any activities at the Hornby Spark could result in my exposure to serious personal injury, illness, disability, or death. I also acknowledge that property losses can occur. I understand that the Hornby Spark has guidelines for safe work practice. I agree to follow these, and maintain the highest level of safe work practices for myself and others.

In participating in activities at the Hornby Spark I acknowledge that I am 18 years of age or older. Also, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, release and forever discharge the Hornby Spark, its members, board, and any other person or organization assisting it, from any and all actions, causes of actions, claims and demands for, upon or by reason of any damage, loss or injury to person and property which heretofore has been or hereafter may be sustained in consequence of any accident occurring during a Hornby Spark activity or my use of the facilities.

I am responsible for my own safety at the Hornby Spark, this includes safe tool operation, ensuring that tools are in proper working order, and that they are used safely and responsibly. Other members may advise me on safe work practices, but this does not constitute a supervisory relationship and responsibility for safely using the Hornby Spark facilities lies entirely on myself.

I agree that this waiver and the agreements it contains will be governed and interpreted exclusively in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be unenforceable, the remaining portions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

I confirm that I have read and understood this agreement prior to agreeing to it.

I further confirm that the terms and conditions of this agreement will apply to any minor that accompanies me and that I am the legal guardian or parent of any such minors. Accordingly I have the authority to accept this agreement on their behalf. I agree to remain responsible for the supervision and safety of any such minors. 

Code of Conduct & Anti-Harassment Policy for The Hornby Spark Makerspace

The Hornby Spark Makerspace is committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming community for all members and guests. Our Code of Conduct applies to everyone's behavior across all communication channels, as well as within our physical space. This policy complements our Waiver, usage policy, bylaws, and other rules, which collectively promote safety and the core values of our makerspace.

Code of Conduct

  1. Treat everyone with respect and refrain from harassing or discriminating against others for any reason.

  2. Maintain civility in all communication, avoiding offensive language or derogatory comments.

  3. Foster collaboration and sharing by contributing your knowledge, skills, and experiences to create a collective learning environment.

  4. Take responsibility for your actions and report any safety hazards, issues, or violations of the Code of Conduct to the appropriate personnel.

  5. Care for equipment and facilities by using them responsibly, following safety guidelines, and cleaning up after use.

  6. Resolve conflicts respectfully and constructively, seeking solutions that prioritize fairness and the well-being of all involved.

  7. Promote inclusivity by actively supporting individuals from diverse backgrounds and skill levels, ensuring accessibility and a welcoming atmosphere for all.

  8. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Anti-Harassment Policy

The Hornby Spark Makerspace is dedicated to providing an inclusive environment, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, nationality, immigration status, age, or religion. Harassment in any form will not be tolerated.

Harassment may include, but is not limited to:

  • Offensive words or actions based on the aforementioned traits and characteristics.

  • Inappropriate sexual or obscene imagery or behavior on Spark premises or communication channels.

  • Unwelcome physical contact or sexual attention without consent or after being asked to stop.

  • Intimidation through words, gestures, body language, or menacing behavior.

  • Stalking or harassing photography or recording.

  • Sustained disruption of talks or events.

  • Persistent unwanted contact or communication, either online or in person, after requests to cease.

  • Deliberate outing of a sensitive aspect of a person's identity without consent.

  • Intentional misgendering, dead-naming, or misuse of pronouns.

Consequences & Resolution Process

Individuals engaging in harassing behavior must cease immediately when asked. Failure to comply may result in expulsion from the space or event, as determined by any uninvolved Spark member. The expelled individual is entitled to the resolution policy at a later date.

If a complaint is raised, the accused will have the opportunity to share their perspective through written, verbal, or electronic means. Should a member be deemed unwilling or unable to follow the rules set forth in this Code of Conduct, they may be expelled by a majority vote of directors during a directors' meeting.

Reporting Harassment

To report harassment, you may:

If you witness a breach of this Code or have any concerns, please contact one or more directors through the channels above or in person. If you wish to remain anonymous, please indicate so. Any further escalations of the complaint will maintain anonymity if requested.