Introducing: The Spark!

This month the Hornby Hackerspace community has chosen a new name for our collective, calling it The Spark. We have also registered a domain name and a website will be coming soon…

We have had an informal meeting with an engineer regarding the current condition of the Firehall and the results were optimistic. We have reviewed legal structures with an accountant and are still waiting to confirm requirements with a Natural Resource Specialist at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.

We have closed our survey and have compiled the results, 66 people responded and here is what the community had to say:

How would you be interested in using a Hackerspace/Makerspace/community workshop on Hornby? (Top 5 responses)
Artistic Uses (29 ppl)
Carpentry (25 ppl)
Crafts (24 ppl)
General place to hang out and visit with friends (24 ppl)
Sewing (23 ppl)

What tools would you like to see available in the space? (Top 5 responses)
Serger (27 ppl)
Drill press (25 ppl)
Sewing machine (22 ppl)
3D Printer (22 ppl)
Table Saw (21ppl)

Would you be interested in taking a workshop/educational course? If so on what topics?
How to build/make specific items, ie kitchen cabinets, picture frames, etc (35 ppl)
How to use specific machines/tools, ie laser cutter, CNC mill, etc (32 ppl)
How to repair things, ie, electronics, computers, bicycles etc (32 ppl)
Food Preservation (26 ppl)
Auto mechanics (14 ppl)

How much would you be willing to pay for a monthly membership? (A membership
would include access to the space and use of most tools)
I would pay an occasional drop in fee (26 ppl)
I would pay for a monthly membership (23 ppl)
I would be interested in a discounted Family Membership (10 ppl)

Are you willing to volunteer your time in some capacity to help establish this organization?
Fundraising (18 ppl)
Public Relations (15 ppl)
Become a Board Member (10 ppl)
Marketing (7 ppl)
Assist with Incorporation or other Legal documents (4 ppl)

Are you willing to give financially to the organization?
I would be willing to donate without retribution (11 ppl)
I have tools I would be willing to donate (11 ppl)
I would make a donation if I could receive a tax receipt (9 ppl)
I would be willing to invest and receive dividends or interest (4 ppl)

Beyond the multiple choice questions, we received overwhelming support for this project:

“I would be pleased to see this building, that was built with VOLUNTEER labour and community DONATIONS for Hornby's use, not just destroyed.”

“It would be wonderful to see the Old Fire Hall turned into a bustling community center for creative and useful projects.”

“Keep up the good work!”

“What a grand idea and totally in keeping with Hornby’s cooperative spirit.”

“I think it is a great idea to save the building and repurpose the space”

“This is an incredible idea, and I hope that it goes forward!”

To learn more about this project come out to our next meeting on August 24 at 7:00pm at the Firehall. For more information visit our Facebook page “Happy Hornby Hackerspace”

By Leanna Killoran and Quana Parker


Will Sparks Fly?


Feasibility of the Old Firehall for a Hackerspace?